Lockdown Learning

We hope that there won’t be another lockdown, but if there is, our tried and tested Lockdown Learning program is in place.

Our main goals during lockdown were to continue giving our pupils access to education and helping maintain a heathy mindset.

All classes had daily Zoom lessons in their main subjects and afternoon classes throughout the week in specialist subjects.

We provided subjects such as one to one reading, ICT, Science, Humanities and PSHE.

The decision to provide PE lessons via Zoom was made, as physical activity boosts endorphins thus counteracting any feeling of anxiety and depression.

And we are pleased to say that having returned to school, none of the children showed any learning gaps within their classes.

A huge thanks to our Hemdean House Parents as without their tremendous help and cooperation, the success would not have been as great.


“I have had the tiniest glimpse into what goes into teaching over these last few weeks. I can only say how unbelievably grateful I am for our teachers and classroom support staff. I am humbled by how much they do, how tirelessly they work, their dedication and how much they give to my children. Thank you to all the teachers and everyone at Hemdean House. I’m exhausted and don’t know how you do it.“

“Thank you so much for all you have done for our child this year. It has been a very strange and challenging year, we are so grateful for all your support during lockdown. All your hard work made all the difference to us and our son. He honestly wouldn’t have coped without you.”


“Words can’t do justice to how grateful we are for your incredible teaching and support this year”

“It’s nearly the end of the online learning and I have to say that I have been very impressed with the lessons. Our son is engaged and really enjoying it. Having the lessons online and led by the teaching staff is working very well. PE last week was a highlight, so he is looking forward to Mr Elson’s class later!”

“Despite not being physically at school, the lessons gave my children structure to their day and the impact of lockdown was not so great on them. The scheduling was amazing, ensuring there were little to no overlaps in lesson times for siblings in different year groups. I don’t know how my children, let alone we as working parents, would have done with only receiving worksheets and not having any interaction with their classes and teachers. Well done Hemdean House! We can’t thank you enough!”