9th February 23

What another wonderful day at Hemdean. All of the children had a great day putting their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) skills to the test. The children worked with their buddies, which added even more fun to the day. Mrs Whalley worked with sixth-form students from Queen Anne’s School supporting the children in developing their programming skills. They were able to create a program which would enable a robot to move around a maze on the screen and then develop a further program, which was downloaded to a movable robot that then whizzed about the landing with various flashing lights depending on what the children programmed. Great fun and some excellent IT skills. Mrs Hodgson and Mrs Ramchand ran a workshop using Lego to create marble mazes. Lots of thought went into that one and some creative designs were built. Miss Cooper set the children a task to use their engineering skills to build the tallest tower using spaghetti and marshmallows. Not as easy as it sounds, especially when your spaghetti sticks and marshmallows were limited. Thinking about structures the children knew, helped them to create some tall towers, but thinking about how to make them stable was the challenge. The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and an annual event has surely been set.